martes, 29 de marzo de 2016


Last month our 3ESO students presented their favourite love songs to celebrate Saint Valentine's Day. Enjoy them! We had a great time with your presentations!!!

martes, 15 de marzo de 2016



Enjoy some of the writings sent by our 4ESO students concerning different works of art. They have learnt a lot after working the Integrated Unit of The Divine Proportion.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016


This term you are going to learn to write friendly letters and to make it real, we will start by writing an introduction letter to a pen pal. But first, let's read different tips which can help you write a wonderful interesting letter to your new friend.


The first letter can be as long or as short as you like, but you probably don't want to make it too daunting for your new friend to read - so perhaps 2-3 small sheets of paper, or 1 big sheet, like an A4 size. Besides, it's nice to keep some news and random facts for your next letter.
Here are some ideas:
  • Start with an introduction of yourself and also introduce your immediate family too.
  • Tell your pen pal about where you live, what the area is like and even how the weather is at the moment.
  • Let's talk craft! Let your new friend know what creative interests and hobbies you have, perhaps what your favourite one is at the moment and what project/s you're working on.
  • What does your average day look like - pick a week day or a day on the weekend to talk about.
  • Ask questions! because this gives your new friend some things to reply to when they write back.
  • Tell your pen pal what else you really enjoy doing in your spare time (that's not a hobby) - I like drinking tea, borrowing cook books from the library and watching movies with my family. What are some things you really love doing.

you can also have a look at these documents with some more tips....

Here you can watch very interesting videos with tips for your letters.

When writing the first letter to a pen pal, include personal information, such as name, age and interesting hobbies. In addition, learn what questions to ask a mystery pen pal to start communicating with them in this free video from a professional writer